The Vegan Starter Kit

When people ask me why I am vegan, or what prompted me to go vegan, it really comes down to information – I was simply exposed to new information that I could not unlearn or un-see. This new information came in the form of books and documentaries. Sure, some people could be exposed to the exact same information but it won’t resonate with them at all; well, not me. I simply could not deny all the facts, data, and research presented in these sources. So what was this amazing new information that I learned you ask? Here it is, these are the sources of information that I wish everyone and anyone would see – they will answer all your questions about the why, what, where, and when of a plant based diet/life. I truly wish this was common knowledge; I’ll take it one step further, I wish this was mandatory reading/viewing in school!

So if someone were to ask me “why or what made you go vegan,” my response would be – “just watch these documentaries here, all your questions will be answered.” I invite you to take a step behind the curtain of OZ, and see the truth! (These are all available on Netflix, or at least they were at the time of this writing).


  1. Forks Over Knives


This gem right here will answer all your questions about food and health, such as:

  • What’s wrong with eating animal protein?
  • What’s so wrong with milk and dairy? Don’t you need milk for calcium and strong bones?
  • But since vegans only eat grass, where do they get their protein? (ugh, how many times I get asked this question – please do yourself a favor and watch this now, and forever have that damn questioned answered).
  • What about fish?
  • Well then, what the hell do you plant based people eat?
  • Why should I even care about this plant based stuff? (hint, your health, the animals, and the environment ya dummy!)


2. What The Health

This is probably one of the most eye-opening documentaries to recently (2017) come out MV5BOGRlYzI3OTMtMWM4NS00Y2U4LTg3Y2UtMzUwYTgyM2M2Mzk5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzI5MjI4MTc@._V1_SX772_CR0,0,772,999_AL_about the food industry and human health; and this is definitely at the top of my list when it comes to recommending any documentary! I myself was blown away by all the information presented in this film; it got me so riled up I just wanted to shout it from a mountain top! Finally, a documentary comes out that shines the light on all the corruption going on in the meat and dairy industries to keep the general public misinformed, confused, and most important of all continuing to consume their products albeit at the cost of their very own health. Moreover, this film also does an incredible job of hitting all the points on health in regard to consuming animal products, and all the common questions and concerns of switching to a plant based diet…extremely comprehensive! This documentary is a MUST!!


3. Cowspiracy

This one here will help you understand the Cowspiracy_ScreeningPoster3environmental dilemma of sustaining a planet on animal protein, and how switching to a plant based diet can really help save the world (no, I’m not exaggerating – just watch it!). No, this video isn’t going to turn you into a tree hugging environmentalist, or Leonardo DiCaprio; BUT it sure as hell will inform you and create AWARENESS (and that is what’s all about)!! Moreover, this will shed light on what factory farming actually is, and the cold hard cruelty behind it – I know, I know, ignorance is bliss…but suck it up and watch it!


4. Plant Pure Nation

2015-06-27-1435380438-2053434-PlantPure_PosterloresAnd lastly, this amazing documentary will help you understand why it is that the information laid out in the last two documentaries is not mainstream knowledge (yet). You may be asking yourself, ok well it seems like all you vegans know about this stuff, but IF animal products are actually not the best for your health, then why would the government still include it in their food pyramid, why are they still serving it at every school, why wouldn’t doctors be talking more about this, why is this the first time I am hearing such a thing?  Here is something to think about; the meat, poultry, and dairy industries are HUGE (as you may already know)! Well, you know what comes with that? Lots of money of course, but also lots of lobbying power. So what does that mean; it means they have the ability to actually influence what the people of this planet eat, regardless of what it might mean for your health. Moreover, believe it or not, it comes with the ability to manipulate or even suppress information! Yes, this is true, the meat, poultry, dairy, and fish industries hope you never see any of these documentaries or become of aware of any of the information they contain. Because heaven forbid, it might actually create well informed consumers, that no longer simply buy their food products blindly just because that is what they have been doing for years. Please, just watch this!


So there it is, these are three of my favorite documentaries that I wish every human being could/would watch! I honestly feel like any non-vegan/vegetarian person cannot have an actual intelligent debate with a vegan/vegetarian person until they have been exposed to the information contained in these documentaries. Regardless of what you choose to sustain yourself on, be it animal or plant based, if you haven’t seen any of these documentaries, please do yourself a favor and watch them…I challenge you!


As always, I would like to hear from you, what other documentaries would you add to this list? Leave a comment below.

4 thoughts on “The Vegan Starter Kit

  1. Oh man! I had no idea that Plant Pure Nation even existed, looks great! I’ve seen the last two and they were brilliant and even instrumental in me becoming vegan. I’ll definitely be checking this out. Thanks for writing this up, do you ever feature with any other sites?


    • Thanks for the comment Mike; yeah Plant Pure Nation is a great one, really great info and story there. I also actually just watched “Food Choices” on Netflix, and that one is another great one, very comprehensive in covering many points of living vegan – worth a watch. Yes, I am open to exploring feature opportunities with other sites. Best.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Awesome! I really loved Food Choices too. Netflix really has become a goldmine of brilliant food docs hasn’t it?!
        Cool if you’d like to feature with us at the feel free to shoot me an email here –


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