The Revolution Is Underway

WOW people, this video really sums it up right here; the truth is FINALLY starting to come out! But before I go on some long rant here, and weigh in on some points made in this short film, I’ll just step aside and let the video do the talking. Do yourself a favor, and please WATCH THIS!!

Was that not so damn incredibly eye opening!? It sure as hell should have been! This is what is going on here people, WAKE UP!! This is what has vegan activists up in arms! We the people are purposefully being misinformed when it comes to food, what we should eat, and what the latest health research is telling us! With misinformation comes confusion, and that breads inaction – people will simply continue going on as they have been for years because that is the easiest course of action. But this is exactly what the powers that be want – the meat and dairy industry; they want sheep that simply continue eating what is being fed to them, they want them unaware, misinformed, blind, and asleep at the wheel.

There is such a stark parallel between food misinformation (from big food – meat, poultry industry) and how it was with cigarettes (from big tobacco) back in the day; can you even imagine that there was once a time when the average person had no idea that smoking cigarettes was bad for your health!? The big tobacco companies were constantly putting out propaganda, suppressing information and new research, and purposely trying to keep the public misinformed.

I mean can you imagine how frustrating it would be if you encountered a person now a days that simply denied the truth about the link of smoking and lung cancer. Welcome to what it’s like being a vegan, and simply trying to share information with the average person about the meat their eating, and it’s affects on their health. Yeah, facepalm inducing. But I get it, the average person simply has not put in the time and effort into researching the other side – the vegan side. So instead of being open to any of the information coming form the vegan side, they just quickly dismiss it because it’s coming from some “hippie, tree hugging, cult, misinformed weirdo, that is in a minority group.” Well my dear fellow earthling, it’s time you start listening, it’s time you become aware! Do it for your own sake, your well being, and that of the planet we inhabit. If it wasn’t for these vegan weirdos annoyingly shouting for change, injustice, and awareness; who else would lead the charge to shed light on what is happening here? I doubt it would be the guy posting all his “I love bacon” pics on social media, or the average omnivore for that matter.

The facts, the data, the research about the benefits and affects of a plant based diet on our health, the environment, and the innocent animals is all out there; but so much of it remains in the dark due to this information power struggle led by the meat/dairy industries, their lobbying power, and their financial interests. There is so much money/business at stake here for the meat and dairy industry, of course they are going to continue to push to have their biased information be louder then the truth!

For me, this video brings about the feelings of frustration and anger towards the current situation (yep typical vegan right), and how the truth is being controlled by financial interests at the cost of our own health, the lives of innocent animals, and our environment! But at the same time I feel a great sense of excitement, and hope for the direction this movement is going! I mean just look at the variety of new vegan foods, and vegan/vegetarian restaurants that are popping up all over; more and more even ordinary restaurants are taking notice and offering vegetarian or vegan options. Think about how much that has grown in the last 10 or even 5 years. As this film points out, the trend is definitely growing; businesses are taking notice, and they are starting to shift in order to meet this new consumer demand! The real evidence is starting to emerge and get mainstream attention, more books and documentaries are spreading the truth now then ever before, more celebrities and athletes are going vegan, and the younger generations are already becoming far more aware at an earlier age about these issues then my generation was; they are helping to drive this new growth of plant based demand.

I do envision that one day in the future (maybe not in my lifetime) vegetarian/vegan options will be in every restaurant, and meat packaging will come with clear warnings just like cigarette packaging does now about it’s potential cancer causing effects. Moreover, just as the popularity of recycling for the better well being of our planet has grown, so will the popularity of opting for consuming plants over animals for the better well being of our environment. Who know’s, maybe some day meat eaters will become the minority within the mainstream…yes, that sounds like a stretch right now, but looking at the trajectory of this plant based movement there is no telling how far and fast this can grow. The current evidence [on the growth] would suggest that this plant based train is chugging along full steam!! So to the average carnivore Joe out there, maybe it’s time to start understanding that us vegans aren’t just a bunch of cult hippie weirdos; we’re actually just pioneers on the cutting edge!

Join the movement!

2 thoughts on “The Revolution Is Underway

  1. Pingback: Vegan 2017 | More Than Just Kale

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